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Looking for new members for our Patient Participation Group

Did you know we have a group of patient representatives we regularly work with? The members of our shared Berkeley Place and Royal Crescent Surgery patient participation group is known as the Wilson Health Centre PPG. They are volunteer patients and carers who meet regularly with surgery staff to discuss and support the running of the surgery.

The Wilson Health Centre PPG looks at the services offered, patient experience and how improvements can be made for the benefit of everyone.

Each PPG is different, but ours has the aim of making sure that the surgery puts the patient, and improving health, at the heart of everything it does.

Apply to be a PPG member

We are actively looking for new members. To apply, please complete this form and we will be in touch. The closing date is 14 March 2025.

All registered patients are able to join our PPG. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.

Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.

Find out more about the PPG

You can find out more about the Wilson Health Centre PPG on our dedicated page here

Contact the PPG

If you’d like to contact the PPG directly, please do so via our email Please note the PPG group is run by volunteer patients, not by surgery staff. We do not have access to medical records and we do not deal with patient complaints which should be taken up directly with your surgery.